Board Bylaws

[heading]Officers and Board of Directors for 2024-2025[/heading]


President Hillary Lovell

President Elect Becky Wetendorf

Belle VP Crystal Doerr

Community VP Lindsay Childs

Finance VP Jennifer Snow

Membership VP Mimi Poole

Projects VP Laura Earl

Recording Secretary Michelle Dinger

Parliamentarian Meredith Flowers

Immediate Past President Billye Louder

Standing Committee Chairs

Advisory Planning / Bylaws Carrie Brown

Belle Mom Jessica Muniz/Kristen Morcom

Concert Hospitality Rachel Boehler

Freshman Introduction Lauren Stake

Guild Relations Elizabeth Hartman

Gala Rachel Earl

Membership Mimi Poole

MIT (Member in Training) Liz McGehee

Nominating Committee Kathryn Ray

Publicity Shannon Dallas

Senior Presentation Melanie Shakleford

Volunteer Hub Amy Azarov

Picture Day Chairman Kara Mittlestead