From the President

From our President:


Midland Symphony Guild (MSG) is excited to begin its 62nd year of supporting the West Texas  Symphony and also supporting the local area performing arts in the Permian Basin.  MSG began with the goals of supporting and raising funds for our local symphony music program.  Over the past six decades, that effort has grown into a non-profit organization that provides annual financial and volunteer support to West Texas Symphony and its various productions and events.  The West Texas Symphony enriches the communities of both Midland and Odessa by showcasing world-class performers, local artists and musicians and featured presentations.

MSG is comprised of members who invest both time and money in their local communities. Last year, MSG donated more than 1000 volunteer hours at 700 different events.  The majority of these service hours were contributed by our Symphony Belles, daughters of our MSG members.  Each Belle is required to complete 15 service events throughout their years in the MSG program (9th-12th grades).  This requirement of service fosters both a sense of giving back to the community and appreciation for the talented artists and musicians.  In addition, to the West Texas Symphony, our Belles volunteer with community organizations such as Safe Place of Midland, Midland Fairhavens, Midland Festival Ballet, Museum of the Southwest, Arts Council of Midland, Permian Basin Opera, Midland Community Theater and the Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center.  We are so proud of our Belles.


We sponsor three events for our Belle each year.  We will host our 62nd Gala Weekend.  This annual tradition is a beautiful weekendthat includes a black-tie dinner to present and honor our Senior Belles, along with many members and patrons, for their years of service to the MSG and the Midland community, and a  brunch to welcome and introduce the new freshmen belles. The weekend culminates with a formal grand ball to thank all the belles for their service to our community.


It is my honor to serve of President of the Midland Symphony Guild this year. As a former belle and lifetime Midlander, it is a dream come true to serve this organization that continues to enrich my life.  I look forward to working alongside many wonderful men and women while also having the privilege to experience exceptional performances and events.  For our Belles, friendships will be formed, a spirit of service instilled, and a love of the arts encouraged.  Even through this uncertainty and ever-changing environment of this year, the Arts are an important part of our community and I look forward to working with the all our fine arts community to find and develop “out of the box” ideas and events which will continue to make the arts such an significant presence in the basin. Thank you Midland and Odessa for continuing to support our Arts community for another season.

Hillary Lovell

2024-2025 President

Midland Symphony Guild